Timber Framing Angle: A9
A9 = Square Cut Layout Angle on backed surface of Hip-Valley Rafter.The angle P5 is used with A9 on the hip rafter for the jack rafter mortise.

The Hip-Valley Roof Ratios Angle Formulas were developed by Joe Bartok.

The Timber Framing Hawkindale Angle Formulas were developed by Rees Hawkins Acheson from the Martindale Hip and Valley Roof Angles and Hawkindale angle drawings by Ed Levin of the Timber Framers Guild.

The Hawkindale angles were based on the book by Frank L. Martindale "Bevel Angles for Three Dimensional Connections" 1948 that was based on the book "Hip and Valley Design" by H. L. McKibben and L. E. Gray published in 1912.